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Halloween 2023, the spookiest day of the year

3 months and 25 days until Halloween 2023! Boo!

Halloween, Halloween! Strangest sights I’ve ever seen! Witches’ hats, coal black cats, mice and rats! Don’t you love Halloween? Pumpkins, jack-o’-lanterns, costumes, spooky decorations, a lot of spiders… Yay! If you want to know what Halloween is, its origins and different ways of celebrating this day, just continue reading! But first thi... Show more

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Halloween designs for your spooky projects!


Halloween symbols unveiled: Discovering their hidden meanings

Halloween Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(80, 22, 115)
  • RGB rgb(80, 22, 115)
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Chakras, tarot, and spiritualism: the mystic blue violet

Purple and violet have been royal colors since 1200 BCE because of the Phoenicians, as they discovered the Tyrian purple–a very prized hue. This dye was expensive and difficult to get, so it became a rare luxury and a symbol of wealth. Violet is important from a materialistic point of view, but it also has a very spiritual meaning too. It is the color of the third-eye chakra, so it stands for wisdom. Violet is also about intuition, magic, healing, and the unknown. It is even associated with the tarot, specifically with the card of the Moon. This major arcana card indicates that something is hidden and that fears should be considered. Now, when we think about Samhain colors, blue violet takes on a unique role. Samhain, a Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, is often associated with colors like orange, black, and deep red. However, blue violet's mystical qualities make it a fitting addition to the Samhain color palette, enhancing the spiritual and magical aspects of this ancient celebration. As you can see, the typical eerie mood of Halloween is very well created using blue violet: it’s a magical color, connected with the cosmos, Samhain, cartomancy, and fortune-telling in general.

  • HEX rgb(119, 86, 191)
  • RGB rgb(119, 86, 191)
  • CMYK rgb(119, 86, 191)
  • HSL rgb(119, 86, 191)
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Fuchsia blue, the intensity, energy, and beauty of a color

Fuchsia blue is a very special color. Mix a little bit of blue and a little bit of magenta and you’ll create a powerful and lovely shade. It combines very well with different tones of orange and with your jack-o’-lanterns. Fuchsia blue is an intense color: it has a halo of mysticism, power, and knowledge, but it also represents calmness and confidence. This tint is perfect for Halloween designs. It’s the color of magic, of spooky nights and sunsets. It’s also a color for witches and for very rare moons! The second moon of April, also known as the purple moon, shows purple, fuchsia blue, and pink as their main colors. This moon is associated with rites, spells, and with witchcraft.

  • HEX rgb(161, 191, 52)
  • RGB rgb(161, 191, 52)
  • CMYK rgb(161, 191, 52)
  • HSL rgb(161, 191, 52)
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Android green and arsenic: the perfect Halloween tale

Is green a Halloween color? Android green, a type of spring green leaning toward the yellow side, is often associated with Halloween. Green itself carries diverse symbolism. It’s not just the color of hope but also represents balance, harmony, growth, prosperity, and freshness. However, when it comes to Halloween imagery, this spring green often finds its place on zombies, poison bottles, vermin, and other creepy creatures. But why the connection to toxicity? This can be traced back to Scheele’s green, a color similar to android green, which was invented in the 18th century and required the use of arsenic in its production. As knowledge grew, by the second half of the 19th century, researchers discovered the dangers associated with this color, rendering this type of spring green as a symbol of peril. So, yes, green indeed plays a significant role in Halloween’s color palette, albeit in a slightly eerie and unsettling way, making it a fitting addition to the holiday’s themes of mystery and spookiness.

  • HEX rgb(242, 159, 5)
  • RGB rgb(242, 159, 5)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 159, 5)
  • HSL rgb(242, 159, 5)
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Marigold, the color of life, health, and the afterlife

What colors are associated with Halloween? Marigold is one of them. It’s a beautiful hue created by mixing yellow and orange. This flower is considered the blossom of the dead in some cultures, as in Prehispanic Mexico. This tradition is still alive today, as many people still use this flower for Día de los Muertos altars in Latin America. It’s not strange, that the color of marigolds became a typical Halloween tint: spirits and souls are the protagonists of both Halloween and Día de los Muertos. Although some types of marigolds are related to the dead, other varieties, like pot marigold, symbolize life and health. It has been used by Romans, ancient Greeks, or Indians as a medicinal herb, and also as a dye.

  • HEX rgb(227, 102, 0)
  • RGB rgb(227, 102, 0)
  • CMYK rgb(227, 102, 0)
  • HSL rgb(227, 102, 0)
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Adding spooky touches of Spanish orange to your jack-o’-lanterns

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere! Why is orange associated with Halloween? Orange has traditionally been associated with this celebration because it is the hue of jack-o’-lanterns. Nevertheless, orange is not a sad or frightening color. It conveys courage, optimism, happiness, and tons of energy. It’s in fact, a cheerful color that means youth and power. It’s also a very natural tone, as it appears in carrots, oranges, or sweet potatoes. Autumn is linked to this tint too, as the leaves turn orange during this season. Spiritually, orange has a deeper meaning. For Hinduists and Buddhists, orange signifies illumination, the perfect state of the human being.


History of Halloween: pagan traditions, costumes, Christianism and evil spirits

Some may think that Halloween (All Hallows’ Eve or All Saints' Eve) is some kind of new tradition, but that’s not true! Did you know that Halloween origins go back to the Neolithic period and the old Gaelic Ireland, centuries ago? Many researchers have proven that Halloween began with Samhain, a Gaelic (and pagan) festival. In the same way, the Halloween traditions and practices during this day continued developing during the 10th century and the rest of the Middle Ages. Still, the use of costumes was not introduced until later. Today, we are going to learn a little bit about one of the most spooky days of the year.

9th century

Samhain: a Gaelic festival inherited from the Neolithic

The ancient roots of Halloween

There was an ancient Gaelic Irish festival known as Samhain, celebrated on October 31st and November 1st. It marked the end of the harvest season. According to Irish mythology and lore, it was a very special date as there were open burials and portals to the Otherworld. This tradition survived for centuries, and even during the modern era people made offerings to the spirits, and kids wore costumes in exchange for food. It is also connected to paganism and some Neolithic tombs in Ireland, as they are aligned taking into consideration a very specific moment during Samhain.

4th-12th century

Christianizing pagan traditions: All Saints’ Day

The influence of Popes Gregory III and Gregory IV and the establishment of All Saints’ Day

Samhain was a pagan tradition so, naturally, when Christianism settled in pagan areas, those festivities transformed into Christian customs. All Saints’ Day has, in fact, a lot in common with Samhain. Both festivities work as portals for the dead to pay us a visit. Since the 4th century, Christians paid homage to martyrs in different places. For his part, Pope Gregory III helped develop this day by creating an oratory for apostles, saints, martyrs and confessors in the 8th century. It was another pope, Gregory IV, who extended even more the celebration in the 9th century. By the 12th century, All Saints’ Day achieved the rank of holy day of obligation.

Middle Ages

Trick-or-treat: the humble origins of an amusing tradition

Souling and mumming

As we know it today, trick-or-treat is a very fun tradition. Kids wearing costumes go outside to get candy. Doesn’t it sound great? However, the origins of this custom are quite humble. Trick-or-treat has a lot to do with a practice called “souling” that took place during the Celtic Samhain. Poor kids begged for food and some spare coins and, in exchange, they would pray for the dead relatives of their neighbors. By the 19th century, “souling” slowly changed to “mumming”. Kids sang songs, told jokes or did some performances to pay for the treats obtained.

16th century

The art of guising: having fun wearing costumes!

A 16th century tradition that increased its popularity during the 40s and the 50s

Disguising on Halloween isn’t something new. Apparently, this tradition was already common in Scotland, Britain and Ireland during the 16th century. Kids pretended to be ghosts, ghouls or evil spirits, a practice that was thought to help protect people and cities from fiends. Of course, apart from disguising, children went door to door asking for some treats and they sang songs and did some performances. This tradition increased its popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries, reaching its peak in the 40s and the 50s. In fact, during the 50s, UNICEF created a charity program called “Trick-or-Eat” to collect donations during Halloween.


What countries celebrate Halloween?

To answer which country invented Halloween, we must look to Ireland. According to scholars, it was this country in which Halloween (and Samhein) originated. Today, we know that this festivity spread to other countries, including the USA. However, there are other nations that have just begun celebrating the spookiest night of the year. Today, we are going to learn a little bit more about the different Halloween traditions around the World. Let’s go!

United States

Halloween traditions in the United States. Thanks to series and movies, we already know most of the Halloween traditions in the United States! Carving pumpkins is one of the most well-known activities. Americans love to create intricate jack-o’-lantern designs: funny faces, ominous ones… They even carve landscapes, characters and many other things. Trick-or-treating is one of the major events, too. Kids go door to door asking for free treats while they are dressed up as ghosts, witches and even cartoon characters. Make sure that you give sweets to the children, otherwise they’ll vandalize your home… Throwing eggs and toilet paper! Giving Halloween parties are on the list too, although they are for adults! People wear ghostly disguises, including fake blood and scars. As you can imagine, Americans also love decorating their homes with Halloween paraphernalia: bats, rats, zombies, gravestones, zombies, skeletons and ghosts, among others.


A very scary Halloween in Italy: visiting the darkest places in Rome. As in the case of Spain, the main tradition during this period of the year is Ognissanti (November 1st) and Giorno dei morti (November 2nd.) During those days, families go to cemeteries to visit and clean their relatives’ tombs. They also bring them flowers. However, because of the American and Irish influence, the popularity of Halloween is increasing. Kids love dolcetto-scherzetto (trick-or-treating) and dressing up. But disguises are not only for children! There are also parties for adults, such as the one at Devil’s Bridge, in Borgo a Mozzano, said to be the first and biggest Halloween celebration in Italy. Would you like to do some other activities? If you are in Rome on October 31st, go and pay a visit to the Cripta dei Cappuccini. It’s a crypt that is decorated with the bones of over 4000 friars, spooky! But this is not the only frightening place you can visit. Explore Rome’s catacombs, the frescoes by Santo Stefano Rotondo (blood and gore everywhere!) or the Museo delle Anime del Purgatorio. It’s extremely creepy!


The origins of a Celtic tradition, Halloween. Halloween is related to Samhain, an Irish festival from centuries ago. Naturally, Halloween is very important in Ireland! Trick-or-treating is an essential activity during this spooky day and kids get a lot of candy, chocolate and other treats. Needless to say, you’ll also find terrifying (or funny!) jack-o’-lanterns. People disguise themselves, go to parties and decorate their homes with ghouls, ghosts, witches, black cats… In Derry, Northern Ireland, there is a great tradition, the Banks of the Foyle Halloween Carnival. And what do the Irish do to enjoy this festivity? They dress up with costumes of witches, skeletons, zombies and so on and they dance to live music. In addition, you can also see fireworks at the end of it! In Dublin they prefer Samhain, and they commemorate it with an impressive parade.


Día de todos los santos, queimadas and Fiesta de tosantos: Halloween-like traditions in Spain. In Spain, there are three important days related to Halloween: Día de las brujas (Witches’ Day, October 31st), Día de todos los santos (All Saints’ Day, November 1st) and Día de los muertos (Day of the dead, November 2nd.) Depending on the autonomous community, people follow different traditions. Galicia adds a Celtic twist to the festivity, because of its own history. Noite dos Calacús (Night of the pumpkins) is very similar to Halloween. Parties, costumes or jack-o’-lanterns are key elements. People use to drink queimada while they recite a spell, esconxuro. In Barcelona (Catalonia), on All Saints’ Day, people eat chestnuts, panellets, wine and they go to cemeteries, like the one in Montjuïc. Another option is visiting Sant Feliu Sasserra (in Bages) to attend the Witch Festival. In Cádiz, they celebrate Fiesta de tosantos or Fiesta de los mercados. There are street performances, live music and they made fun of politics, social events and trending topics by means of humorous displays.


There are a lot of social celebrations in Canada! There are not many differences between the United States and Canada Halloween traditions, but let’s learn a little bit more about them. Naturally, kids go trick-or-treating and they get free candy! Get a brand new Halloween bag and get some chocolate bars, gummies… And maple cream cookies too, yummy! You’ll also have the opportunity to attend some parties, watch a lot of series and movies on witches, zombies and other undead entities. Jack-o’-lanterns are very important for Canadians too. There are numerous contests to choose the best carved pumpkin. Create an innovative design and win a prize! In the same fashion, disguising is top entertainment–even if you want to dress up as a zombie hockey player.

Latin America

Catrinas, songs, and Noche de Brujas: different ways of celebrating Halloween in Latin America. As in many other parts of the World, Halloween is growing quickly. The way of celebrating really depends on the country. Peru, Argentina, Chile, Panama, Mexico or Colombia follow the traditions of the United States: carving pumpkins, jack-o’-lanterns, disguising, partying and trick-or-treating are very common there. Yet, Halloween is usually referred to as “Noche de brujas”. Nevertheless, each country adds its own touch to it! In Peru, both Halloween and “Día de la canción criolla” happen on October 31st. During this día, Creole music is used to celebrate life itself. Mexicans, for their part, prefer Día de los muertos over Halloween. They go to graveyards, create altars and pay homage to the dead with tons of food, music and catrinas. In Colombia there is also a sweet tradition related to kids, although they celebrate it on November 1st. In Cartagena de Indias they sing a song, “Ángeles somos” and people give them some coins in return. It is based on the belief that children are angels.


Halloween in Japan: cosplay, skeletons and more! The “Halloween fever” began in Japan because of Tokyo Disneyland. They hosted the very first Halloween festival in 2000 and, thanks to it, the popularity rates of Halloween increased every year. The Japanese version of this festival doesn’t really copy the American pattern, it rather suits the Nipponese peculiarities. There is no trick-or-treat, but they merge the typical costumes of ghosts, witches and skeletons with cosplay. One good example of this is the Ikebukuro Halloween Cosplay festival in Tokyo. Apart from Tokyo, the main cities that host events are Osaka and Kanagawa. You’ll find plenty of street parties, parades, live music performances, costume contests and many other activities. Theme parks are also a very good option if you want to have a frightening Halloween night.